Beyond Fine: Embracing True Transformation in Christ
Pastor Jarrod Walls | Jul. 21, 2024
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So a week before last, we had had some baptisms and I tell you what, man, it's kind of like my thing.
I love it's the first one that I've missed in many, many years.
I was in West Virginia on purpose.
A lot of folks don't go there on purpose, it just happens, but we came back home on purpose too.
But I miss the baptisms.
And what I love about baptisms is I love seeing the start of a new life.
I love seeing the newness that's on their face when folks come up out of there, they glow a little bit.
I mean, there's salt in their eyes and stuff.
You know, it's different.
Sometimes the water just disappears when we try to lay you down and we just got to wait a minute, you know, for some more water to come.
But newness starts.
I'm so thankful that we serve a God that'll take all of our mess and make us brand new.
Is anybody else thankful to be new today?
I'm not talking about refurbished like one of those refurbished Amazon discount deals.
I'm talking about brand spanking new with an extended lifetime warranty.
That's the newness that my God creates brand, brand new.
I'm going to evangelize a little bit today.
Is that OK?
I took a I took one of those aptitude test things not long ago and I found out that one of my predominant gifts is evangelism.
I didn't see that one coming, but it's crazy because this message has been really heavy on my heart the past couple of weeks.
And, you know, when you're preparing a message, you're always kind of thinking like, man, is this God?
Is this me?
Is it?
But the way that I figured out that I know it's God is when the devil shoots shots Monday through Sunday, when he's come at you every single way that he could possibly come at you, because if I'm not having a head on collision with him every single day, something must be wrong with the way that I'm walking.
And he's coming at me every way.
He broke down my truck this week.
Now, I drive a Chevy.
OK, that don't happen.
To the Ford drivers out there, you're like, my truck breaks down every week.
Of course.
I'm joking.
But it was crazy because I learned this new thing.
I've had this truck for seven years and it's getting up there.
My wife keeps saying I need to get a new one, but I want to not have a payment.
You know what I mean?
That's my favorite kind of truck.
The ones that don't have payments.
You know what I'm talking about?
I'd rather just keep on fixing it.
But my alternator went out and I found out my truck has this new gauge thing.
This thing I didn't know about has a battery saver mode.
Blew me away.
But it made me think, too, because when you're a pastor, everything turns into a message.
Sometimes God has stuff inside of you for the battle that's coming that you didn't even know was there.
You got a battery saver in you for the battle that's coming up down the road, but you don't even know it's there.
He prepared you for that a long, long time ago.
The mission of the church is always evangelism.
That's the focus.
The goal being discipleship.
I can't disciple someone if they don't believe.
And so if you're sitting here today and this is your first time to church, or maybe you came to church because a friend drug you to church, or maybe, you know, you just feel like you're at the end of your rope and you just need to go and sit in church for a little bit because you wanted to find some place that felt safe.
I promise you, you have come to the right building, the right place.
We don't compete with other churches, but I promise you, I'm glad that I get to come to this one.
This is a good place.
And it's a place where people will care about you.
People will lift you up.
People come alongside you and incredibly importantly, they will challenge you.
And a new life with Christ comes with some amazing promises.
If you have your Bibles with you, go ahead and turn to Ezekiel 36, 26.
Promises, 66 love letters full of promises that he makes to me.
The writer here says, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.
I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
That's one of the first promises.
A new heart.
I'm glad he gave me a new one.
The old one was busted, had been beat up, broken by just about everybody that I cared about.
Everybody that I knew because people are flawed.
It was in shambles.
And I've learned to be real tough.
You know, I learned to tie it together with tougher rope.
I've learned to stop feeling so that they couldn't hurt me anymore, to distance myself with anger, with different things so that I couldn't be hurt anymore.
But Jesus, slappy neighbors say, but Jesus, put a brand new one in me.
I realized that when I started becoming more emotional, like I started having the emotions of a woman in the first trimester, I started crying at commercials because it was just so beautiful.
The love part that wasn't me before.
Romans 6:4, he promises us a new life and all we have to do is submit.
Therefore, we were buried with him by baptism into death.
In order that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father, so we to walk in the newness of life.
They're saying I get a brand new shot just if I submit to you, I don't have to like pay any taxes up or anything like that.
Like I just got to submit my life to you and you're going to create something brand new out of it.
Come on.
Promises a new world, Revelation 21:1, John says, then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more.
I tell you what, there's a lot of things that I look forward to.
I look forward to my best days being ahead of me, but I can't wait until that day.
I can't wait till he comes back.
When the line of Judah shows up and all this is over, it won't always be like this.
And sometimes we get so caught up because the media only ever shows us what's bad.
They don't ever talk about the amazing things that are happening, the people that are being lifted up and the chains that are being broken and the amazing things that the Christian church is doing globally.
But they'll talk about, come on, come on, I'll clap for that.
There is no faith on the planet that impacts this planet the way that we do.
No faith, not even close.
On average, we give five to 10% of our money globally.
Do you have any idea how much of an impact that has globally?
It changes lives, it changes generations.
It impacts places where we couldn't even imagine seeing an impact because we're all looking forward to something new.
We know that when he comes back, all of this pain, all this strife, all this woe, he promises there won't be any more tears, there won't be any more pain.
Everything will be brand new.
In Corinthians 5:17, he promises a completely new and different me.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away and see the new has come.
I love that verse.
I've clung to that verse because I remember the old me.
I remember what he looked like.
I remember all the brokenness that came with him, all the pain that that kid had felt, and all the ways that the pain had impacted him for so long.
And I remember that 36 degree Easter morning when I laid him to rest in the Atlantic Ocean just off of Main Street, Titus held me under.
Titus helped me let go of him and come back out and step into something new.
Something that was terrifying that I didn't even know what it looked like.
I didn't know what was going to go on, but man's chains started falling, things started breaking and suddenly everything was different.
So often he gets preached in this kind of way.
Can I get Xavier to come out?
X, give him some claps y'all.
So often he gets preached differently though, right?
It gets preached as, you know, God takes all of your broken pieces and he puts you back together, and I get the imagery and that's really beautiful, but it's not really what the word says.
Because most of the time when we come to Christ, what's happened for a lot of us, maybe not all of us, but most of us are at the bottom of the barrel.
They've hit rock flipping bottom.
There's nowhere else to go and we are completely shattered.
Like that.
Sometimes you fall off the table, sometimes you fall down the stairs.
When God doesn't take up all these little pieces and put them back together, he gives me a new one, a fresh start, something new.
All of this is gone now.
If you'd be so bold as to step into what's new, we come to him with all of our brokenness, our shame, our guilt, all of our mistakes, and we realize he's on the cross loving us through all of it and loved us enough to die for our shortcomings.
He takes all of it, wipes the slate clean.
Immediately after that, we come into this beautiful time that I refer to as the honeymoon phase.
The honeymoon stage of your faith.
It's good.
I love new believers.
Listen, new believers pump me up because they're ready to shout it from the mountaintops.
They're telling everybody, have you heard about Jesus?
Jesus is awesome.
I love Jesus.
I just read 2 Corinthians and it was incredible.
I love this part.
I love it with teenagers.
For those of y'all who don't know me, my name is Jared Walls and I'm the student's pastor here.
I love seeing your kids get saved.
Nothing has me float on cloud nine for 16 days like it.
A little life changed, something different, and we need that honeymoon phase.
Like we really need that time of connection with God, that time of this feeling and we are on fire and what I love about it is they are anything but lukewarm.
Nobody's confused them with all of these different facts and these different thought processes and all of this stuff that could have, should have, maybe happened and I don't know if it's going to happen and sometimes it's hard.
All they know is I'm free.
I'm free.
That's it.
Y'all remember, I'll marry people in the room, raise your hand just for a second.
Y'all remember y'all's honeymoon?
For some of y'all that was a long time ago.
Some of y'all that was like, yeah, I remember I still liked you then, it was good.
We need that with our wives and our husbands.
We need that time period to go and spend time together and really focus on one another just like we need it with Christ because after all, this is a marriage, right?
It's a tough thing to explain to your kids how we are the bride of Christ, especially in a community or world that is kind of confused, but we are the bride of Christ.
God wants a marriage with you.
He wants you to be intimate with him, close to him, to bear all of your burdens with him and we need that with our spouses for a few reasons because when you go home, stuff's going to change, like life's going to happen.
Babies are going to come, car notes, you know, mortgage bills, you're going to start to see red flags that you missed, like she thinks Miracle Whip is mayonnaise.
Y'all are laughing, but I'm Southern and it's a problem.
I remember walking in one time at the Food Lion, I'm like, I don't have any mayonnaise and she's like, baby, there are jars and jars of mayonnaise and I'm like, do you see a yellow lid anywhere?
That's not mayonnaise.
She thinks that romance is you and him sitting together with a bush light and a TV dinner watching a NASCAR race.
It's a red flag.
Listen, nothing says the ambience of a nice date, like the smell of Bojangles and that woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, stop pointing at him, don't call him out like that.
But things change, man, it's tough.
Marriage is tough.
Marriage with God is tough.
Raise your hand if you're newly married, like you're less than five years going, raise them up high.
There's a few of them.
Listen, you guys, men, I'm going to talk to the men for just a second.
I'm going to give you a pro tip.
I've been married for 18 years.
I married this beautiful woman at the age of 18.
I was 19, she was 18.
Everybody says she was crazy.
I mean, look at her, I'm just saying, I wake up every day like, you're still here?
But listen, men, I want you to go on to your phone, not right now, but later on, I want you to find your favorite picture of your beautiful wife, and I want you to make it your screensaver.
I mean, like the screensaver, the lock screen, whatever you want to call it, that way, when you're having a really hard day and you're beat up and you don't think that you can handle it anymore, you feel inadequate, you can look at that beautiful woman and say to yourself, if I can handle her mess, I can handle anything.
I'm playing, I'm playing.
I'm just going to go backstage after this, y'all are looking at me weird.
But it's that way, kind of with us, you know, we start to see things that we didn't really see before life starts to happen and the honeymoon's over.
Now we start to see what life has done to our spouse and kind of the brokenness and some of the pain and the neuropathways that have been created.
See, I said neuropathway, that's a $10 word, it means a path in your brain, but it's not like that with God.
But the reality is, is that the closer that I get to him, the more I see how unbelievably beautiful and perfect and loving he is, and then the closer I get to him, the more my flaws stand out.
The more I can start to see about myself when I compare myself to this omnipotent, omniscient, beautiful, loving God, and I realized that I'm not him.
I'm trying to be like him, but there's something blocking.
I'm not like him.
I start to look a lot, a lot worse.
I start comparing, anybody got the gift of comparing up in here?
I've been really good at like, man, I wish I had faith like him.
I wish I could pray like her.
I wish I could preach like that.
We start to compare, we start to strive, we start to strain.
We start to try to keep up our end of the deal with this whole, you know, Christian thing.
I want to keep up my end of the deal.
Keep up your end of the deal on a deal that wasn't a deal at all, but it was just a gift to you.
There was nothing that you could do to ever achieve it, so why do you think two years later now suddenly you're achieving it?
Now suddenly the things that I do matter is, if that's the only thing that's going to get me into heaven, if I don't do enough works, I'm not going to get there.
No, that's not the way it works, and that's not what the new believers understand.
That's not what new fire looks like.
That looks like, I can't believe that you would choose me.
See, the word says that many are called, few are chosen, and a lot of people get mixed up on that, like, well, that means like I'm chosen, I'm chosen, and you are chosen.
What it's referring to is there's another verse in the Bible where he talks about a banquet at his home.
He started calling people.
He called his friends.
He called the immediate friends.
He called the bride guests or the groom's guests, all of those people, none of them came, and so he said, okay, go out into the highway and the hedges.
Go get anybody that will come so that my house might be full.
I'm here to tell you that I am thankful that I'm in anybody.
You can be grateful to be in anybody because they'll use you.
But in all this, in all this shifting, all this looking at myself differently now because I'm comparing myself to an omnipotent God, and God's not asking you to compare yourself to him, but I do start to see my brokenness a little bit more, there's another part of me that needs to be renewed, Romans 12, two, Paul writes to the church in Rome, do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed.
Everybody say transformed by the renewing.
Everyone say renewing of your mind so that you may discern what is good, the good, pleasing and perfect will of God, renewing.
The word renewing sounds like there's a process.
It's not be renewed, it's be transformed by the renewing of my mind.
He gave me a new heart.
He gave me a new life.
He gave me a clean slate.
He gave me a fresh chance, but there's some stuff in here that's going to take some time.
There's depression, there's anxiety, there's all kinds of mess that has happened.
Listen, I'm not talking about just, you know, what's the word I'm groping for, like a doctor would say, diagnostically.
Some folks have a chemical imbalance and we pray hard for you and God can heal anything.
Some of us have learned responses.
And I beg to question of some of the things that we're diagnosed with, because as a nation, we are the most mentally unhealthy nation on the planet.
We take care of it.
We're good.
Like we're cool.
We're always what?
We're always fine.
I'm always all right.
That was my saying for a lot of years.
I'm always all right.
And sometimes you just got to be right, like you got to be fine because no matter how I feel, like there's going to be some more stuff to deal with tomorrow.
So why mess up the moment now when I can just work on it tomorrow?
I can just be fine for right now.
But so many of us that are walking around looking fine, that we have smiles on our faces and that when church on Sunday morning, we're high-fiving everybody, they're not fine.
And it's okay to not be fine.
It's okay to need some help.
It's okay to come to a place like this and find a brother or a sister that's been through some of the stuff that you've been through, that will hold your hand and walk you through it, that they will answer that call at 12 a.m. when you just can't take it anymore because you need people.
God knew you would need people and God put you in this place in this time so you'd have them.
But you've got to stop being fine.
My wife, God love her, she has a life group that meets on Tuesdays and the life group is about trauma.
It's a women's group that they deal with their trauma together.
And she's running for a couple of years now.
My job really is just make sure the kids don't die.
Clean up the kitchen because, of course, I'm an awesome husband.
That's my one time a week.
I'm just kidding.
But I'll tell you what, it's heavy, man.
It's heavy.
You have no idea the stuff that people are going through on a daily basis that you see every day.
You see them at the gas station.
You see them at work.
You have no idea what they're going through, the kind of prayer that they need, the kind of love that they need to see, because it's some stuff in that tank.
But we keep on kind of going through the motions.
And this is the work.
This is the work that, honestly, most of us never do because it's hard, it's messy and it flipping hurts.
And because we're fine.
It's kind of like when you tell your kid to clean the room and you know what a train wreck it was and they show back up in 15 minutes and you know something is fishy.
So you march your butt up them stairs and you open up those closet doors and looks like it wasn't so clean.
Looks like it's the most stuff to do in here today.
That's how our minds are so many times.
Looks like it's the most stuff for us to do in here today.
We're going to have to get real about it.
Growth hurts.
It always does.
But we cannot mature our faith being emotional toddlers.
I'm not saying that you're laying on the floor in Wal-Mart screaming like somebody's beating you.
But emotionally, you just kicked over the Reese's display.
Y'all are 11.
Some of us are 60 years old and we are emotional children.
Some of us are 70 years old.
We're emotional children.
Sometimes these 15 year olds, because they've learned to feel something and be okay with feeling something, being okay with saying this sucks.
I don't like it.
I'm not enjoying this, but I know God's got a plan for it.
I know that if I can push through this period, God will do something amazing on the other side.
That's what living by faith looks like.
That's what the renewing of my mind looks like.
If I say, okay, I'm going to admit it, I don't like this.
I don't like the way you're stretching me, God.
I don't like the way that you're pulling me thin.
This doesn't feel good, but I know you're good.
I know you're good.
And I know that if the story isn't good yet, then it's not over.
I'm going to say it again in case you miss it.
If your story isn't good yet, then it isn't over.
If you're still sucking air, he's still got a plan.
He's still got some stuff for you to do, but it's going to take some work.
And I'm going to be really real and I might step on some toes here.
Some of us have been Christians for 30 years, but we are not 30 year old Christians.
We have been one year old Christians 30 times.
We are not maturing because we won't deal with the pain.
We won't deal with the things that happened to us when we were kids, the things that have happened to us through life.
And I want to paint a picture for you because I'm a country boy and we draw maps.
If I walk the same path through my yard every single day, what's going to happen?
Over time that grass won't stop growing, right?
Now if I stop walking that same pathway and start to walk a different pathway, it won't take as long for the grass to start growing back as it did for me to tread it out.
Does that make sense?
See, some of us have these learned responses in our mind that we've created over time.
We've created because of things that have happened.
Sometimes we have inherited things, generational curses.
Some of us have inherited bitterness, rage.
Some of us inherited jealousy.
Some of us have inherited some amazing things.
And some of us have gotten real comfortable and said, that's just the way that I am.
That's just how I'm made.
But if it's not good, if it's not fulfilling to the word, then it's not the way that you are.
It's the way that you've learned.
It's the pathways that have been made.
Some of them might've been your fault.
Some of them might not have been your fault.
Some things just happened to us, but I've got to deal with it to step into something new.
I have to look at it right in the face, move on into something new because God has something new on the other side of it.
It just means that I have to stop pretending like it's not there.
I have to stop pretending like it's not there.
Jesus, he means to heal you.
It's kind of like if you weed eat the flower bed, come on, anybody weed eat their flower bed?
All right.
I was making sure I'm not the only one.
You weed eat the flower bed.
Instead of getting down there and pulling up the weeds by their roots, and then every time the weeds show back, you're like, what?
I reacted that way, what?
Jesus doesn't heal that way.
When Jesus heals something, it's healed.
When Jesus does something, it's finished.
It's done.
It's no longer a part of you.
You've moved on from that.
And Jesus is saying, leave that behind.
Give me your burden, take on mine and step out into what I have for you because we got some stuff to do.
See why this one was a hard one.
Sometimes we use God to run from God.
Let me get real about that for a second.
We use God to hide from God.
We can go to 50 life groups.
We might have a perfect attendance at Valerie's church.
We might've been to conferences, retreats.
We have scriptures memorized, but if we don't deal with the pain and the trauma and the fight and the battlefield of our minds, we will never see the promise.
That promise is worth it.
We all love the story of the prodigal son, right?
That's one of my favorites.
He did all this bad stuff and he came back and his dad was ready to receive him.
He was excited.
The thing about the prodigal son is it doesn't talk about Tuesday.
We end at the party.
The party is great, but what happened on Tuesday?
How did he grow in it?
I didn't just tell you all this to just tell you all this.
I'm not saying that we should act on all the ways that we feel.
Please don't.
You don't always have to tell everybody how you feel.
Please don't.
You don't have to post on Facebook every way that you feel, okay?
You don't have to say it on Instagram every time you feel some kind of way, but you are going to have to do a couple of things.
One, you're going to have to acknowledge it.
You're going to have to look at the way that you feel and say, why do I feel that way?
Second, you're going to have to do with that, what you did with your life, you're going to have to submit it.
You're going to have to give it to Jesus.
And then I want you to do this.
I want you to ask him, okay, here we are.
Here's how I feel.
Here's where I'm struggling.
What are you going to do with it?
It is not my work that is going to get me to the next step.
It's not my work that's going to change me.
It's not my work that's going to do it.
It's not all of my choices, but it's the work of the Holy Spirit.
It's my job to shut up, sit down, and listen to what he's telling me to do, to step into more and not be afraid, but we have to stop hiding and pretending that we don't feel things.
I'm really good at hiding, and I'm going to start to close here.
I want to give you just a little bit of my testimony.
I'm not going to bore you with all of it, but a little bit of my testimony.
I had a really rough childhood.
Like a really messed up childhood, abusive, unstable, toxic.
That's the Sunday morning version.
It was tough.
I spent a large part of my life hiding.
I hid in bottles and baggies.
That's who's standing up here talking to you today.
I want to tell you about this so you can see what a good God can do if you'll submit.
I want to tell you about this so that you can see what can change and the chains that can break and the family generational curses that can be different for your babies if you'll submit to God.
Thirty-two years of my life, I learned to deal with my pain by making this not feel anything.
That's how I handled it.
It wasn't like overnight.
God's like, you don't have to do that anymore.
It was overnight.
I couldn't do it.
But one thing that I had to learn is I had to stop trying to treat the behavior.
I had to start trying to treat the problem.
Sometimes we, as Americans, we treat symptoms.
We just, you know, keep on putting Band-Aids over the holes in the boat and we keep on doing it that way.
And that wasn't working for me.
Now, a lot of things changed for me in an instance.
I stopped getting arrested.
Yeah, that's who's standing up here.
I've been arrested 18 times.
No felonies.
Nothing like that.
So I'll pass my background check.
You know, all that.
Just stupid stuff.
Just stupid stuff.
I'm not laughing.
I promised myself when I got out for the last time on Christmas Eve of 2013 and my baby girl said, "Daddy, how was jail?", I promised would never go back and I ain't seen one since.
But it's only been in these past couple of years of submission to Him that He's told me that I got to start learning to deal with it and stop pretending like I'm okay.
Stop burying myself in the work.
Stop saying, okay, well, I'll just, I'll serve here and I'll serve here and I'll serve here and I'll do more for God and I'll do more for God because I'm trying to keep up this side of this thing and I know that God will bless me because God will be like, oh my gosh, He's doing so much good.
And He's like, that's not what I'm looking for.
What I'm looking for is you.
I love you.
I want you to come and sit down with me.
I want you to crawl up in my lap and be helpless with me and tell me about it.
He wants you to be raw with Him.
It's okay to be mad at God.
I didn't even realize I was so mad at Him.
Why'd you let that happen?
I was just a little kid.
Why did you let it go down like that?
I was so small.
I was helpless in it and you let all that happen.
And it wasn't about Him just letting it happen.
It was about people having free will and making bad choices.
But God promises all things work together for the good of those who love me and are called according to my purpose.
I will make you strong from it.
I'll make you strong.
But strength only comes from hardship.
But we have to go back sometimes.
See this thought process that I had almost cost me everything that I love.
I built myself this beautiful tomb and I lived in it and I was good at it.
I was good at hiding.
I was a functioning alcoholic or drug addict.
I didn't, when I couldn't hide in those things anymore, I just hid in my bank account.
If I can make enough money, nobody can touch me.
I'll be okay.
That'll keep me safe.
But we, the church, we have to go back and fix the mainframe, the mainframe of our minds and be renewed.
Here's what we have.
We can't stay here.
We've got to acknowledge the pain and we're going to need help.
We're going to need every one of us.
I have to do the work for my kids.
I can't let them deal with it because their daddy didn't.
I can't let this generational curse keep on going because their daddy wasn't brave enough to face it and deal with it.
We can't, as the church, let this community, our family, our children, our grandchildren, we can't let them go through it alone.
I have to deal with it so I can get out of this hell of depression and despair.
So that, everybody say so that.
I can march my behind right back into the belly of that hell, grab a hand and take another one with me because I've got the math now.
Church, the enemy is real.
He's as real as heaven.
He's been after you since you were born.
He's been after your children since they were born.
He's after your little children, your grown children, your little bit older children.
He's after all of them.
He wants to stop them from living out their God given purpose, the thing that God planned for them long before he laid the foundations of the world.
He wants to stop you.
He wants to stop us.
And he knows that the best way to do it is to keep us fine because if we start, if we deal with it all and submit it all to God and we become so submissive and so dependent upon a loving, all powerful God, wholesome things change.
And when I find out that the ways that you've been working against me my entire life, but my God has been turning it for good, I'm gonna put my armor on now.
God wants you to wake up every day and armor up and he wants you to pick up that Bible and start dropping nukes into hell Monday through Sunday.
He wants you to raise up a fine young nation of men and women who will drop bombs on the enemy's plans day and night because they're whole, they're redeemed and they're brand new, brand new.
I want us to be the kind of church that when folks are at the end of their rope, they know this is the place to come.
They know that they'll be here with some people who love them, who will take care of them, who have dealt with some of the stuff that they're dealing with, the grief, the pain of losing somebody, the despair, the anxiety, the pain, all of the things.
I want us to be the kind of church that Jesus had in mind, not a lukewarm one, but a united one in love, so inclusive, so kind, so loving, so generous that when our knees hit the floor in the morning, the thud of it makes every demon in hell shudder.
I want the enemy's plans thwarted.
I want to make heaven full and hell empty.
So many people just need to know that there's a choice.
That's our job, church, to give them the choice, not to ram it down their throat, not to impose it on them, but to let them know, it doesn't have to be like this.
Come over here.
We all dealt with it.
Jesus will take you to the other side.
Let me pray for you.
Father, we love you.
We give you the glory, God.
Thank you for this time.
Thank you for this place.
Thank you for every man, woman, and child in this arena and joining us online.
God, I ask that you would work your amazing miracle powers in their life, that you would show them that there is still a God in Israel, that there is still a God that sits high and looks low and cares for every single part of his children.
God, we love you.
We praise you.
And all God's children said, amen.