Raising Kingdom Warriors

Pastor Clay NeSmith | Nov. 10, 2024


“Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

Timothy, I thank God for you—the God I serve with a clear conscience, just as my ancestors did. Night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. I long to see you again, for I remember your tears as we parted. And I will be filled with joy when we are together again. I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News. For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time—to show us his grace through Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 1:3-9

Whether a person is a toddler or an elderly adult, God has designed them for a purpose. One of our responsibilities as members of the Church is to raise up the next generation of leaders, to bring the love, hope, and joy of God into their lives. To be successful in building up the next generation into servant leaders, we need to:

1) Stir Up Their Faith

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.

Hebrews 11:1

We are here to stir up faith. That is what going to a church service is for–to stir up your faith. And to raise up young leaders, the first thing we need to do is deposit a faith in God in their lives and then begin to stir that faith, to assure them that no matter what happens in their lives, they can get through it. That God will keep His promises.

The best way to stir up a child’s faith is to model it for them. They will often reflect what their parents do, not necessarily what their parents say. Faith isn’t lip service; it’s life service. If you talk about forgiveness, model forgiveness. If you talk about how God is your provider, model your trust in Him to provide by giving from what God has placed in your hands.

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.

Romans 1:16

2) Build a Fire Under Their Passion

If you’re a parent, you can’t do everything for your child. They have to make the decision on their own to submit their life to God. But we can help fan the flames of their passion. We can create an environment where people can get in the game and step toward the goodness of God. Our lives are not just about us; we should desire to leave a legacy for those who will come after us. When we invest in young people, we help the Church continue to grow in the future.

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates.

Psalm 127:3-5

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Proverbs 22:6 

A warrior would have had different types of arrows, each used for certain purposes. Arrows then were different sizes, shapes, and weights, and the warrior would practice with the arrows to know exactly what it would do. It takes spending time with children to learn their personality, what their strengths and struggles are, and what gifts God has given them.

3) Focus Them on the Right Target

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Matthew 6:33 

Have a vision for your children’s lives, because if you don’t, someone else will. Help them focus on the right things: that Jesus came and lived a perfect life, died in our place, forgives us, and gives us the Holy Spirit to be our counselor and coach so that we can work to grow and become more like Jesus.

Group Questions

  • How can we as a group stir up faith in others, especially in the next generation?
  • How can we model faith authentically for those who are watching us, like children?
  • How do you see yourself playing a role in fanning the flames of someone’s passion for God, whether it’s your child, a friend, or someone you mentor?
  • What kind of spiritual legacy would you like to leave for those who come after you? How can we as a group support each other in this journey?


Thank you for the young lives you have placed in our care and influence. Help us to live as examples of faith and love, and to inspire a passion for you in their hearts.