No one expected a King to be born in a manger in Bethlehem. Yet, the Christmas story shows God consistently turning the unexpected into miracles. Every person involved faced challenges that tested their faith and required trust in God's plan.
1) Face the Challenge
The Christmas story is filled with people who faced daunting situations. Like Mary, Joseph, t shepherds, and the wise men, we shouldn't let fear stop us. Don't give up when challenges arise. Keep walking and trust God to help you face the challenge.
2) Listen Well
The primary way God speaks is through His Word, the Bible. If you want to hear from God, you have to be willing to stop and listen to Him. That means spending time with Him–reading the Bible in its context (understanding who it was written to, when and where it was written, and why it was written) helps us then apply it to our lives.
God's ways are higher than our ways; His plans are greater than anything we could ever imagine. Make spending time with your Creator a priority.
3) Make a Move
Faith is not passive. When we listen to God, it should move us to action. The wise men follow the star and brought gifts, showing that their faith had met God's promise. Mary and Joseph responded with faith, even though their situation went against cultural norms. The shepherds left their jobs to see what God had done.
These actions of faith show a willingness to trust God fully, even when His plan is unclear. Their obedience brought about blessings and protection, like the wise men's gifts that funded Mary and Joseph's journey to Egypt.
God still speaks today, and He still calls us to respond. He promises to work through the Church. As we bring our faith and gifts together as God's people, the Holy Spirit empowers us to accomplish His mission.
Group Questions
- What's one unexpected challenge you've faced recently? How did you respond?
- Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men all had different challenges. Which of the stories resonates with you the most? Why?
- Why is understanding Scripture in context important? Can you think of an example where context changed how you understood a passage?
- Is there an area of your life where God is asking you to trust Him and take a step of faith? What would it look like to say, "Whatever You want, Lord"?
Thank you for working in unexpected ways. Help us to trust you with our challenges. Open our hearts to listen to you and follow your Word, to make a move even when faced with uncertainty.