[Week III]

Pastor Clay NeSmith | Jan. 23, 2022


God made four promises to His people here: 1) I'll free you; 2) I'll redeem you; 3) I'll claim you; and 4) I'll give you the land of abundance. The Israelites embraced two of these, but then they got stuck doing loops:Have you ever gotten loopy - feeling dizzy or disoriented? It keeps you from making progress. God set the Israelites free, but what got into their heads blocked what God spoke to their hearts. Here are three things that can make us loopy:

1. Looking back

Faith is required to engage in God's promises. The Israelites were set free from slavery, but when faced with challenges, they wanted to go back to Egypt. When we look back at the past we don't see the provision of God. Instead, we should look to the future He has promised.

2. Listening to the wrong voices

God had promised this land to the Israelites. But they lacked the trust needed to step into that land. They trusted only what their eyes saw before them, which caused them to be filled with fear and doubt.

3. Disunity and disobedience

The people did loops in the desert for 40 years because they were disobedient to what God put in their hearts. God needed His people to act as one unit, to trust Him with their lives, and obey what He had commanded them to do. And He needs the same from us today. God still fulfills His promises to free us, redeem us, claim us, and give us abundant life in Him.

Group Questions

  • What are the four things God promised the Israelites in Exodus 6:5-8?
  • When have you experienced being stuck in a loop?
  • How do we build our faith and trust in God even through challenges?
  • How can we get out of a loop once we're in it?


God, we want you to be the gatekeeper of our lives. We don't want to get stuck in loops, but instead, participate in the abundant life you have promised.