Life is a race, and there is a finish line. The definition of endurance is “the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity.” Having a faith with endurance means not giving up in the face of obstacles. It means moving forward despite the circumstances, and to continually look forward to Christ’s return.
Hebrews 12 shows us three ways to have endurance:
1) Inspiration
The first verse of Hebrews 12 says “ …since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith…” This is referring back to chapter 11, which lists people from Scripture who endured despite intense challenges. These stories give us role models who can give us the motivation to press forward in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.
2) Elimination
We all have things in our lives that threaten to take our focus off of God. A person with enduring faith doesn’t ask how close they can get to the line without displeasing God, but focuses on doing the work God has set out for them to do. Back away from the things you know will make you fall, and take time to soak in the things of God.
3) Determination
Have a goal in front of you and have the disciplines in place to reach it. Don’t give up just because life got difficult. Jesus never promised that a life with Him would be easy - but it will be fulfilling when we stay the course.
God is for you. He disciplines because He loves. He desires for all of His children to grow and live rightly. Set your eyes on Jesus, let God direct your ways, and have endurance despite what life throws at you.
Group Questions
- When have you seen endurance in action?
- Look over Hebrews 11. Whose story stands out to you right now?
- What in your life do you need to eliminate?
- When and why does God discipline us?
Thank you for providing role models so we can be inspired to live faithfully. Help us to eliminate what needs to be removed from our lives. Thank you for loving us enough to help us mature and grow.