Sin takes its toll on all of us. It is the reason bad things happen. The reality is that we have all missed the mark, the bullseye, of God’s perfect standard. It causes pain, destruction, and death. Sin and its wages are the bad news, but on Easter, we celebrate the good news.
We have hope through the crucifixion. If the pain of sin is our focus, we will remain hopeless. But when we repent of our sin - turn away from that way of thinking and turn to God - He renews our spirit and restores our soul. The story of Easter gives us hope. When Jesus died for us, He paid the debt of sin we owed.
The power of sin has been broken. Jesus overcame the sin of the world on the cross; it didn’t control Him. And His resurrection was the beginning of what is still yet to come. You may feel like you are giving up a lot to live out God’s mission for your life, but remember that the future we have with God will be better than our best day here! He will renew and restore the earth.
Easter is about hope. Through Jesus, we are forgiven, we are empowered, and we are given a future. This is the Good News!
Group Questions
- What effects do sin have on the world as a whole and on us personally?
- How do we escape the hopelessness of sin?
- What did Jesus’ death and resurrection show about His power?
- What is the Good News?
Thank you for taking our brokenness and restoring our souls. Sin takes its toll on us but through you we can have new life with a purpose.