To overflow with God’s goodness, He will need to take some things out of our lives and put some other things in our lives. If we’re going to be a people who overflow with the goodness of God, there are some things that we need to do.
1) Connect
Connect with the source. Jesus is one with the Father, and He connects us to the Father. To be a person of overflow, we have to ask ourselves if we’ve truly connected with God. Jesus is the connection; it is only through Him that we can walk with God.
2) Remove
Remove some things from your life. In order to overflow, we’ll need to make room by getting rid of things that are sinful or keep our focus away from God. Part of why we are given the Holy Spirit is to prune these things from our lives. He will challenge and enable you to purge out the things your flesh has allowed in so that the goodness of God can flow in and then out of your life.
3) Remain
Stay; be consistent and disciplined. Pray and read God’s Word; this is how we hear from God and grow in our faith. Root yourself down. Stay consistent for a period of time and see what God will do. Growing your faith is like working out–it takes discipline over time to see growth.
4) Produce
We are a conduit for God in this world. The Church has been growing ever since the time of Jesus because the vine is still producing newness, and there are branches that are producing fruit for the Kingdom all around the world. Aim to be one of those branches that produces great fruit, a branch that helps the Church grow. Let’s be a Church that is committed. To live a life that overflows with the goodness of God, submit to what God wants to do through you–connect to the source, declutter your life, and stay disciplined.
Group Questions
- In what ways can you strengthen your connection to the source in your daily life?
- What kind of “fruit” do you hope to produce in your life that reflects God’s goodness to others?
- To life a life of overflow requires removing and receiving. What do you need to add to or remove from your life that would help you serve others better or deepen your relationship with Him?
Thank you for being the source, for connecting us to your love and giving us the opportunity to produce fruit for your kingdom. Help us to prune what needs to be removed from our lives, and help us to live lives that overflow with your goodness to bless others and bring you glory.