When you walk in your calling, purpose is fulfilled and peace transcends all circumstances in your life. It is never too late to turn and begin walking in the direction God is directing you.
It’s easy to get stuck on destiny and forget about legacy. No matter who you are, God wants to bestow His blessing on your life. And He wants to work that blessing through your life - it’s not just about receiving, but sharing. In order for Him to work the blessing through you, you have to understand a gravitational pull all of us deal with.
If we recognize this gravitational pull, the desires of our flesh, we’ll recognize that it doesn’t come from God. If we’re not careful, we’ll listen to those things over what God tells us.
The people who made the Tower of Babel weren’t about making a difference in the world or spreading God’s presence throughout the world; it was about themselves. Our purpose is to help others know who God is, to let them know that He loves them and cares for them.
1) Commitment
The tool that God gives us to fight against the gravitational pull, the lusts of the flesh, is commitment. Your flesh wants something, so commit to God and His plan before the temptation ever comes.
Abram was challenged about his commitment. When a challenge came, he ran to Egypt and made a mistake because of fear. We can’t let our mistakes and the challenges that come our way stand in the way of our commitment to following God. Mistakes can be overcome with the blood of Jesus. To fight the lusts of the flesh, make a commitment beforehand.
2) Generosity
The antidote to the gravitational pull of greed is generosity. Abram understood that God would continue to bless him so that he could be a blessing. He consistently practiced generosity throughout his life because he understood who his provider was.
Greed comes out in thoughts like “I don’t have enough” or “I don’t make as much as them.” But to fight greed, take what you have and be generous with it. Start when you have little, and it’s easier to continue when you have more. Be consistent with generosity, be a giver, even in the small things.
3) Serving
Pride will destroy your destiny and legacy, and the way to fight pride is by serving with a humble heart. When we serve, we remember the purpose of the blessings we’ve been given. Have a heart to serve those around you.
Group Questions
- How can we prepare ourselves to stay committed even when fear or uncertainty arises?
- How does practicing generosity reflect our trust in God as our provider?
- Can you think of times when giving or sharing made a difference in your faith?
- In what ways can serving others help us guard against pride?
Thank you for inviting us into not only fulfilling our own destiny, but leaving a legacy that honors you. Help us to remain committed to you, to be people of generosity, and to serve with humble hearts as we receive your blessings and let them work through us to bless others.